Wiledio Naboho

Wiledio Naboho is a 2019 Winkler Family Foundation Fellow.

Wiledio Naboho is an agricultural entrepreneur in Burkina Faso. From 2004 to 2012, he worked as a communicator at two radio stations, focusing on social and economic development issues.

Wiledio graduated from Calvary West Africa Bible Institute (CWABI) in Ghana in 2013 with a degree in holistic ministry and in the following year earned a leadership certificate from Nigeria Word of Faith Bible Institute Campus of Dedougou. At that time, he also took a course on farming and crop storage from INERA in partnership with Purdue University.

From then on, he decided to focus on agriculture. Currently he is fully involved in social communication and agriculture. As a young agricultural entrepreneur, he has embraced agricultural biotechnology and is a passionate advocate of food security. He views the GLFP as a big opportunity for him to further his understanding of agricultural biotechnology.


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