HomeBiodiversity Innovation Coalition

Biodiversity Innovation Coalition

About us

Latin American Countries joined forces with Africa and Asian countries to promote South-South Collaboration on Biotechnology for Biodiversity Innovation.

The Biodiversity Innovation Coalition was established in 2022 during the negotiations of the Post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The objective of the BIC is to promote integrative innovation for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, building on the recognition reflected in article 16 of the CBD and in the draft Post2020 GBF that technical and scientific cooperation, technology transfer, and innovation are crucial for the attainment of the objectives of the Convention.

The founding members of the BIC are the Alliance for Science (AfS), the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI), and Youth Biotech, supported by a growing number of farming related organizations, such as Farming Future Bangladesh, the Spanish Young Farmer Association (ASAJA), and the Asian Farmers Network (ASFARNET).

Membership of the BIC provides you with updates on relevant international negotiations and a voice in those negotiations.

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